Why You Should Join

On this page you will find the reasons we feel that joining the RGU Gaming Society would be beneficial to you

Making Friends

Making New Friends!

Joining a society can be one of the easiest ways at university to meet and engage with others who share similar interests to yourself. Whether you have a only a casual or hardcore interest in gaming, within the society you will meet a variety of other people with varying levels of experience, meaning there will always be someone else in a similar position to yourself. With frequent events happening you will have plenty of oppoortunities to interact with the other members of the society and come away with potential friends for life


Expand Your Horizons!

No matter how highly you rate your own knowledge of everything video games, there is undoubtedly a large wealth of undiscovered greatness out there that you may not even have heard of, let alone played. As the society is open to absolutely anyone within RGU, there is a great chance that alongside those who love the same games as yourself, there will also be those who are able to introduce you to some completely new experiences. As well as expanding your horizons within gaming, joining a society is also a great way to improve various life skills as there will be plenty of opportunities for you to get involved in organising and running events.

People Gaming

Have Fun!

At its core, the main role of a society is to provide an enjoyable experience for all those involved. Within the RGU gaming society, we try our best to listen to and take on board feedback from all of our members in order to ensure that all those associated with the society are having the best time they could possibly have. We try to host at minimum one smaller event a week to give everyone an opportunity to get involved, even if they are busy during a certain event, as well as a few larger scale events scattered throughout the academic year which are the real major opportunities for society members to get involved and help try and make these events as special and enjoyable as possible for all involved