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Where We Are Based

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Our Location

Sir Ian Wood Building

We are based in the Sir Ian Wood building which is located on the RGU campus in the South of Aberdeen. The campus is in the Garthdee area next to the river Dee placed in scenic parkland.

Aswell as containing the School library and several other course departments, the Sir Ian Wood building contains the computing department. The nine computing labs share over 300 desktop workstations between them. This includes a specialist networking lab with specialised kit dedicated to the teaching of network security modules.

The state-of-the-art labs and computing facilities paired with many other useful areas such as the extensive library make the Sir Ian Wood building the perfect place for computing related tasks, studying and gaming.

Our society meets up at Kaim cottage on Wednesdays from 4pm and on Sundays from middady. We play a variety of board and console/PC games during our sessions for casual and more serious gamers.